Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Big Flaw in the "Everything Has a Creator" Argument

It's a common argument used against both evolution and the Big Bang Theory - that everything must have an intelligent creator. It is also argued that no thing can come from nothing so God made it all. This is all presented as logic.

Evolution is a theory as to how speciation occurs. It puts forth no speculation on either the origin of life or the origin of the universe. The theory of evolution only describes change based on evidence found in the natural world. Although the argument is often used that evolution couldn't cause the origin of the universe, I won't bother to rebut it because the two are unrelated and evolutionary theory doesn't even speculate on the origin of the universe.

The Big Bang Theory is a good hypothesis as to how the universe reached its current state. It is based on observations of the physical universe and the laws of nature as observed by man.

But the argument put forth against both theories is that absolutely everything must have an intelligent creator. The problem with this broad statement is that those who state that everything must have a creator will not answer the question of "Who or what created God?" without countering their own statement that everything must have a creator. So either God was created and their logic is consistent or God was not created and their logic is not consistent.



ThatAtheistChick said...

Thank you for posting this. I don't know how many times I've seen other atheists get a headache from trying to explain that the difference between evolution and abiogenesis to creationists.

Darrell B. Nelson said...

The creationist argument is the universe is so complex that it had to be made by something MORE complex, which would have to be made by something MORE complex, ect.
Somehow they don't see the problem in this logic even as they say it.