Sunday, July 26, 2009

Atheist/Atheism Searches People Make

I have a tool on my Squidoo account which tracks where my page views come from. One portion of it is dedicated to search engine traffic. Every time a phrase is used in a search engine which brings a surfer to my pages, that phrase is recorded in that dashboard utility. I've been collecting some interesting ones on my atheist relevant lenses for the last month.

Here are a few of those phrases, unedited for your pleasure:

*atheist dont believe something came out of nothing
*atheist explain how the human race came to be
*i don't believe in god. so where did we come from
*an atheist's view on how we came to be
*atheistic views on the origins of the universe
*how atheists explain big bang
*an atheist`s view of the origin of evil
*atheism view of after life
*why atheist dont believe in god
*how many people in america dont believe in god
*non believer in god/denies god beliefs
*why do atheists have morals
*why atheist attack other religions
*atheist religion
*questions you would ask an atheist
*was hitler an atheist

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