Saturday, October 24, 2009

Anonymous Commenter on Atheist Articles Threatens Rape, etc.

So today I got notification telling me of the new comments on my Associated Content articles. Two of the comments were stalker level.

Bob wrote:
I have to admit the you make a good case for me to just do "what I feel" with no fear of repercussion. Since now we both agree that God is not here to punish the wicked or tell us what to do I must confess that the things I am going to do now are rape,robbery,murder and bigotry. These are the things that I find exciting... so with no fear of repose let the games begin! Where do you live sweetie?

That was on my editorial entitled Do People Become Atheists so They Can Act Immorally?

Bob also had something to say on my editorial, Does Life Have Meaning Without God?

Bob wrote:
Assuming your world view is correct then you can sit there and indulge in your "love", while I on the other hand indulge my life's ambitions of rape, robbery, and persecution. Since there is no God to tell us what is right and what is wrong, then I suppose we get to decide for ourselves, and I think I'm gonna take a ride on your back little girl. Who's gonna stop me now that God is dead... and your weak pathetic cry for love goes on deaf ears. Get ready for some pain ^*&%$!

I've gotten lots of rather generic threats but these seem rather personal. I've reported the threats to Associated Content legal department and I'm waiting to see what they'll do.


intellectualworrior said...

Pretty common sad to say really. Those who want an excuse to abuse others verbally or otherwise use it justify their behaviors. They take absolutly no responsibility themselves for their behavior if they cant blame it on this Judeo/christian/Islam god than you are to blame for thier behavior. I have used messaged boards for over 10 years and this is mild from what I have seen that goes one with these people.

Waldheri said...

Sounds like theists trying to make a point. Failingly.

Pompotous Herdman said...

Ah, yes, the old "Xians are sociopaths" argument. (Using one definition of sociopath, which is someone who limits their behavior solely to avoid punishment.) In most of these cases that I've seen the writers turned out to be adolescent males, desperately seeking meaning for why they can't get laid.

Certainly the facts don't back them up: atheist individuals commit fewer crimes per capita than the religious, and less religious societies tend to have fewer violent crimes. Thinking that individuals don't commit violence for fear of some Sky Fairy is pure hogwash, most religious people are merely delusional, not sociopathic.

Mark said...

I am sorry to hear this!!!
Contact the local FBI.

Mark O'Leary said...


Why are all these nitwits such illiterates?

Anonymous said...

Bob is emotionally and spiritually immature. A common trait for fundamentalists though, or so I've noticed of the more rabid born-again variety.

uzza said...

I just feel sorry that you had to put up with that.

Seth said...

Bob is counterproductive among other things. What an unreasonable person.


I feel so sorry for you and I agree with Eclectic Infidel, this is a common trait for fundamentalists though.

Your blog looks very interesting.
I'll come back to read more

Anonymous said...

So I've felt inspired twice now to leave comments... ^^ you write pretty engagingly.

If Bob is listening, I hope you go to jail, and suffer a sentence long enough for you to learn from your mistakes and not commit them again.


Oh, hey, I also wanted to ask if he has any back-up documentation on the statement he makes here: "atheist individuals commit fewer crimes per capita than the religious, and less religious societies tend to have fewer violent crimes."

I'd love to put something to that effect on my blog, but I don't want to do it unless I can substantiate it. ^^

Anonymous said...

So I've felt inspired twice now to leave comments... ^^ you write pretty engagingly.

If Bob is listening, I hope you go to jail, and suffer a sentence long enough for you to learn from your mistakes and not commit them again.


Oh, hey, I also wanted to ask Pompotous Herdman if he has any back-up documentation on the statement he makes here: "atheist individuals commit fewer crimes per capita than the religious, and less religious societies tend to have fewer violent crimes."

I'd love to put something to that effect on my blog, but I don't want to do it unless I can substantiate it. ^^

Pompotous Herdman said...

For Arthur:
For rough religiosity by country:

Take a look at the global peace index, and the same countries with low religiosity are the most peaceful and stable:

Since violence is part of the GPI, as expected the murders per capita are lower in the low religiosity category (

The intake surveys for prisons have fewer atheist prisoners than general population atheists. ( . I find it compelling that the surveys used to generate such data aren't intended to examine questions regarding atheism, so I don't place much emphasis on the prison population.

I also, however, find it compelling that less religious societies such as Norway have less crime and violence than more religious countries. Obviously religiosity is not a required prerequisite for justice, morality or peace.